Our Philosophy
Wildrose Heritage Seed Company Limited offers only ‘heirloom’ vegetable seeds for one simple reason: These seeds represent our history from generation to generation and they represent our future food security as well. We encourage you to save the seed from our open-pollinated seed varieties that we offer.  With the proper growing techniques and the proper seed saving methods, you can reliably grow and enjoy the same plants for generations to come.  We strive to offer only the highest quality agricultural seed available that fits our ethical profile. Picture

Wildrose Heritage Seed Company Ltd. tests our seeds regularly for seed germination rates and purity to both determine the vigor of the seed and to determine the presence of weed seeds.  All of our seeds that we sell are tested by Seed Check Seed Labs in Leduc,  Alberta, to meet or exceed the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) standards and the Canadian standards established by the Commercial Seed Analysts Association of Canada for Seed quality.


Not one of our seeds is a ‘GMO’, genetically modified organism. They are all open pollinated varieties. They are nature’s first open pollinated seed types, ‘originals’. The original or ‘heirloom’ seeds were what nature designed for food sustainability.  It is within this application of growing and saving ‘heirloom’ seeds that we are able to help ensure sustainability of these remaining seed types for future generations. 


The Safe Seed Pledge

The "Safe Seed Pledge" is a pledge created by the Council of Responsible Genetics, (CRG) in 1999 which states the following:  

 "Agriculture and seeds provide the basis upon which our lives depend. We must protect this foundation as a safe and genetically stable source for future generations. For the benefit of all farmers, gardeners and consumers who want an alternative, we pledge that we do not knowingly buy, sell or trade genetically engineered seeds or plants. The mechanical transfer of genetic material outside of natural reproductive methods and between genera, families or kingdoms, poses great biological risks as well as economic, political, and cultural threats. We feel that genetically engineered varieties have been insufficiently tested prior to public release. More research and testing is necessary to further assess the potential risks of genetically engineered seeds. Further, we wish to support agricultural progress that leads to healthier soils, genetically diverse agricultural ecosystems and ultimately healthy people and communities" 
